Westwood Village Vision

Year: 2011–2012
Westwood Village, once the central hub of the Westside, was founded in 1929 along with the southern campus of the University of California. The Janss Investment Company developed the Village as a shopping district with a planned mix of retail use, distinct architectural character, and strong identity. Even as Westwood Village can be seen as a model of "smart," walkable, mixed-use urbanism with vibrant cultural institutions, it has experienced decline since its heyday. High housing costs contrast starkly with low commercial rents, vacancies, and ground floor turnover. cityLAB research looked behind the myths about Westwood’s problems to formulate two visionary scenarios: an L.A. neighborhood that could lead the way to a car-less, or at least "car-lite" future; and an arts and culture district that reactivates a dynamic, sustainable place. The recent formation of Westwood’s business improvement district, the coming subway line, and the growth of UCLA bring renewed attention and possibility to the Village.
Neil Denari, Roger Sherman, Edwin Chan; Dr. Dana Cuff, Karen Kice, Jane Blumenfeld, Emmanuel Soriano, Loosine Vartani, Dave Dixon, Charles Tsang
Westwood Village Improvement Association, Hammer Museum, Jeff Averill, David Bergman, Maria Camacho, Christopher Koontz, Jody Litvak, Mike Metcalf, Eric Norton, Annie Philbin, Steve Sann, Jim Suhr