Fitting In, Fitting Out

Year: 2019
The Fitting In, Fitting Out exhibition explores the diverse stories, motivations, and desires of “non-traditional” students and students who experience extreme commutes. The subsequent report builds on cityLAB’s Schoolyard Housing research, which proposes new solutions for old dorms – and beyond.
UCLA students attend one of the most prestigious public universities in the world, yet they are burdened by rising student debt and cost of living. Students who must choose between paying rent and eating a meal are in definite need of more affordable options, and the number of these students is growing. Scholars, researchers, administrators, policymakers, and California residents are reimagining UCLA in ways that further enhance our collective future. We can start by creating more inclusive ways to live within our own residence walls.
Gus Wendel, Melissa Rovner, Rayne Laborde, Dr. Dana Cuff, Katherine Taylor-Hasty, Kenny Wong
Marta Nowak, UCLA Architecture and Urban Design faculty, AN.ONYMOUS, Anna Drewitz, Tingji Guo